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Strength Comparison

High Strength Fasteners

At RAYCHIN LTD we offer some of the highest strength fasteners

While it is common to look at the ultimate tensile strength to compare various materials, it can be a misleading metric for the actual performance of a fastener. A much more meaningful metric is the yield strength of the fastener, as this refers the point where the fastener deforms plastically and some fraction of the deformation will be permanent. In other words, the fastener has failed.

Another important factor to consider would be the "in use" temperature the fasteners will see. The yield strength is affected by temperature and each material has its own unique properties.

To help you compare various materials and get a sense of what materials might have the best strength for your application we have compiled tensile strength data of all the materials we offer.

Should you need additional help please feel free to contact our materials experts.

    Nominal Strength @ Room Temperature


Ultimate Tensile


Yield Strength at 0.2% Offset
Inconel 718(Aged)21017522
Nimonic 80A18111330
Monel K500(Aged)16011045
Moly (TZM)158130
Titanium Grade514813814
Inconel 6251448444
Tungsten (99.5%)142109
Super Duplex 25071258240
Duplex 22051108025
Nimonic 751093942
Hastelloy C2761074972
Nitronic 501005535
Incoloy 8251004745
Tungsten (Alloy)94-100752-10
254 SMO984350
Nitronic 60955035
Alloy 926944335
Inconel 600933713
Zirconium 705897319
Alloy 330853947
Aluminum 7075-T6837311
Monel 400833245
Alloy 20803530
Incoloy 800 (Annealed)753030
Titanium Grade2705028
310 SS7030
Nickel 20060-8515-45
Zirconium 702684729
Incoloy 800H &800HT (Annealed)652530
Tantalum 2.5% W503525
Tantalum CP402550
Note: This chart is designed to compare the typical strength properties but does not represent the actual strength of the fasteners as this is dependent on a variety of factors such as size of the material,manufacturing,heat treatments etc.

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